
Rijcklof (Rijcklof Henri Frans)
s. xx–xxi

26 publications between 1988 and 2013 indexed
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Works authored

Hofman, Rijcklof, The Sankt Gall Priscian commentary: Part 1, vol. 1, Studien und Texte zur Keltologie, 1, Münster: Nodus Publikationen, 1996.  
comments: An introduction; and a transcription of the Irish and Latin glosses for Books 1-5.
comments: An introduction; and a transcription of the Irish and Latin glosses for Books 1-5.
Hofman, Rijcklof, The Sankt Gall Priscian commentary: Part 1, vol. 2, Studien und Texte zur Keltologie, 1, Münster: Nodus Publikationen, 1996.  
comments: Translation, commentary and indices.
comments: Translation, commentary and indices.
Hofman, Rijcklof, The Sankt Gall Priscian commentary: Part 1, 2 vols, Studien und Texte zur Keltologie, 1, Münster: Nodus Publikationen, 1996.  
comments: Contents:
Vol. 1: Introduction; Book 1-5.
Vol. 2: Translation and commentary; indices
includes: Rijcklof Hofman, The Sankt Gall Priscian commentary: Part 1, vol. 1 • Rijcklof Hofman, The Sankt Gall Priscian commentary: Part 1, vol. 2
comments: Contents:
Vol. 1: Introduction; Book 1-5.
Vol. 2: Translation and commentary; indices


Moran, Pádraic [digital edition, transcription], and Rijcklof Hofman [transcription], St Gall Priscian glosses, Online: National University of Ireland, Galway, 2009–present. URL: <>.

Works edited

Smelik, Bernadette, Rijcklof Hofman, Camiel Hamans, and David Cram (eds), A companion in linguistics: a Festschrift for Anders Ahlqvist on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday, Nijmegen: Stichting Uitgeverij de Keltische Draak, 2005.
Hofman, Rijcklof, Bernadette Smelik, and Lauran Toorians (eds), Kelten in Nederland, 2nd ed., Utrecht: Stichting Uitgeverij de Keltische Draak, 2000.
Hofman, Rijcklof, Bernadette Smelik, and Karel Jongeling (eds), Kelten van Spanje tot Ierland, Utrecht: Stichting Uitgeverij de Keltische Draak, 1996.
Hofman, Rijcklof, C. J. Jiskoot, Karel Jongeling, Peter Schrijver, Bernadette Smelik, and Lauran Toorians (eds), Welsh & Breton studies in memory of Th. M. Th. Chotzen. Proceedings of a Colloquium organized by the A. G. van Hamel Foundation for Celtic Studies, Utrecht — Amsterdam 23-24 April 1993, Studia Hameliana, 1, Utrecht: Stichting Uitgeverij de Keltische Draak, 1995.

Contributions to journals

Rijcklof Hofman, “Reflectie over taal in Ierland in de vroege middeleeuwen”, in: Kelten: Mededelingen van de Stichting A. G. van Hamel voor Keltische Studies 45 (2010): 2.
Hofman, Rijcklof, “Moines irlandais et métrique latine”, Études Celtiques 27 (1990): 235–266.  
[FR] Rijcklof Homan, Moines irlandais et métrique latine
Recherche sur les connaissances de métrique latine attestées dans les gloses d’un manuscrit irlandais du IXe s. (Saint-Gall 904). Par un commentaire détaillé de chaque glose, l’étude s’attache à identifier les traités de métrique latine qui ont été utilisés ou dont la doctrine était connue.

[EN] A research on the knowledge of Latin metrics as testified in the glosses of an Irish manuscript from the IXth c. (Saint-Gall 904). Every gloss is commented upon with much details, in order to identify the works on Latin metrics which might have been used or known.
Persée – Études Celtiques, vol. 27, 1990: <link>
[FR] Rijcklof Homan, Moines irlandais et métrique latine
Recherche sur les connaissances de métrique latine attestées dans les gloses d’un manuscrit irlandais du IXe s. (Saint-Gall 904). Par un commentaire détaillé de chaque glose, l’étude s’attache à identifier les traités de métrique latine qui ont été utilisés ou dont la doctrine était connue.

[EN] A research on the knowledge of Latin metrics as testified in the glosses of an Irish manuscript from the IXth c. (Saint-Gall 904). Every gloss is commented upon with much details, in order to identify the works on Latin metrics which might have been used or known.
Hofman, Rijcklof, “Glosses in a ninth century Priscian MS. probably attributable to Heiric of Auxerre († ca. 876) and their connections”, Studi Medievali, 3rd series, 29 (1988): 805–839.
Hofman, Rijcklof, “Some new facts concerning the knowledge of Vergil in early medieval Ireland”, Études Celtiques 25 (1988): 189–212.
Persée – Études Celtiques, vol. 25, 1988: <link>

Contributions to edited collections or authored works

Hofman, Rijcklof, “Latin grammars and the structure of the vernacular Old Irish Auraicept na nÉces”, in: Mary Garrison, Arpad P. Orbán, and Marco Mostert (eds), Spoken and written language: relations between Latin and the vernacular languages in the earlier Middle Ages, 24, Turnhout: Brepols, 2013. 185–198.
Hofman, Rijcklof, and Bernadette Smelik, “An unnoticed copy of the Auraicept na n-Éces in MS TCD H.2.17”, in: Bernadette Smelik, Rijcklof Hofman, Camiel Hamans, and David Cram (eds), A companion in linguistics: a Festschrift for Anders Ahlqvist on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday, Nijmegen: Stichting Uitgeverij de Keltische Draak, 2005. 63–65.
Hofman, Rijcklof, “Armagh, Book of”, in: Brian Lalor (ed.), The encyclopaedia of Ireland, Dublin: Gill & Macmillan, 2003. 45.
Hofman, Rijcklof, “Durrow, Book of”, in: Brian Lalor (ed.), The encyclopaedia of Ireland, Dublin: Gill & Macmillan, 2003. 330.
Hofman, Rijcklof, “glosses”, in: Brian Lalor (ed.), The encyclopaedia of Ireland, Dublin: Gill & Macmillan, 2003. 444–445.
Hofman, Rijcklof, “Een Oudiers compositum”, in: Inge Genee, Bart Jaski, and Bernadette Smelik (eds), Arthur, Brigit, Conn, Deirdre... Verhaal, taal en recht in de Keltische wereld. Liber amicorum voor Leni van Strien-Gerritsen, Nijmegen: Stichting Uitgeverij de Keltische Draak, 2003. 103–110.
Hofman, Rijcklof, “The Irish tradition of Priscian”, in: Mario De Nonno, Paolo De Paolis, and Louis Holtz (eds), Manuscripts and tradition of grammatical texts from Antiquity to the Renaissance: proceedings of a conference held at Erice, 16–23 October 1997, 2 vols, Cassino: Edizione dell’Università degli Studi di Cassino, 2000. 257–287.
Hofman, Rijcklof, “Marcus Zuerius Boxhorn (1612–1653)”, in: Lauran Toorians (ed.), Kelten en de Nederlanden van prehistorie tot heden, 1, Leuven and Paris: Peeters, 1998. 149–167.
Hofman, Rijcklof, “Isidore in the St. Gall glosses”, in: Próinséas Ní Chatháin, and Michael Richter (eds), Irland und Europa im früheren Mittelalter: Bildung und Literatur / Ireland and Europe in the early Middle Ages: learning and literature, Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta, 1996. 173–186.
Hofman, Rijcklof, “The gender of Latin dies (day)”, in: Doris Edel (ed.), Cultural identity and cultural integration: Ireland and Europe in the early Middle Ages, Blackrock: Four Courts Press, 1995. 82–91.
Hofman, Rijcklof, “Ierse geleerdheid in de Middeleeuwen”, in: Kees Veelenturf (ed.), Kelten & keltologen: inleidingen over de Keltische talen en hun letterkunde, met een catalogus, Amsterdam: Gerard Timmer Prods, 1993. 26–29, 79–81.
Hofman, Rijcklof, “The linguistic preoccupations of the glossators of the St Gall Priscian”, in: Vivien A. Law (ed.), History of linguistic thought in the early Middle Ages, 71, Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1993. 111–126.
Hofman, Rijcklof, “The Priscian text used in three ninth-century Irish Donatus commentaries”, in: Anders Ahlqvist, Konrad Koerner, R. H. Robins, and Irène Rosier (eds), Diversions of Galway: papers on the history of linguistics from ICHoLS V, Galway, Ireland, 1-6 September 1990, 3.68, Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1992. 7–15.
Hofman, Rijcklof, “Nieuw bewijsmateriaal voor de bekendheid van Vergilius in het vroegmiddeleeuwse Ierland”, in: Doris Edel, W. P. Gerritsen, and Kees Veelenturf (eds), Monniken, ridders en zeevaarders: opstellen over vroeg-middeleeuwse Ierse cultuur en Middelnederlandse letterkunde; aangeboden aan Maartje Draak; met een bibliografie van haar publikaties alsmede een autobiografische bijdrage, Amsterdam: Gerard Timmer Prods, 1988. 17–37.